Feb XX Year 1XXX
I worry that so much will happen to me in the near future that it will become hard to find the time to capture my experiences and thoughts adequately enough.
Today, I want to share with you some hope. There was still some left in our realm. So, even in the darkest of times, hope will find its way to you. Well, I hope it does. I wish that for you.
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Though down on my knees, my mental condition deteriorating, I found myself rising to my feet. Was it some sort of survival instinct? Did I think I had a chance to lead my siblings to a safe outcome?
There wasn’t any faith in myself that I could protect anyone, but I couldn’t continue feeling sorry for myself and the others. Certainly not the others. I felt bad enough for always feeling like I let those 3 down. Constantly. The least I could do was try. Literally anything was better than accepting defeat.
As I continued my way to the hall, trying to pull myself together, it was what happened next that I, even days later, still can’t believe.
The sky was still swirling in colour but it became aggressive in its magnitude. I wasn’t imagining things, it was making its way towards us. How long did we have? Minutes, hours? This impending doom stomping towards us was beyond my comprehension. I was still dealing, I am still dealing, with the death of my sisters. Now, on the very same day, was I going to lose everyone else and my own life? How is someone supposed to process all that?
I started running to the hall. It was close. Just on the other side of the village square. Upon reaching the square, dashing past our statue of the ‘Page of Wands’, I stopped in my tracks.
Looking down the road, at the edge of town, opposite the approaching catastrophe, a figure appeared. Or was it figures? I had to clear my eyes. I rubbed them again. I couldn’t make them out yet, but they were holding a candle. Burning in a glaring red hue.
Was this hope?