
You know how sometimes the chips back home have flavours inspired by different dishes in Canada? Well, that sorta thing exists in Japan, too. And with 47 prefectures (sorta) means 47 different flavours to try. I got to try one such flavour today so that leaves 46 flavours to go.

Now I just have to find the rest, and if that means going to each area to get a bag, I'll do it. Don't you worry, it just might take a while and cost a bit of money.

Guess I should bring some back for the work snack table cause we don't eat enough chips at work already. Hah!

The flavour below, is a renowned flavour for the prefecture that I am currently in, Aichi-ken. Miso Katsu (miso pork cutlet) is super popular but I haven't tried the real thing just yet, but I definitely will be in the near future.

There is also a post that I need to get to regarding a miso factory that I visited a little while ago, but I won't say too much on that for now.

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There is a little cafe about a minute down the road from where the school is where a lot of students go to eat during the 50 minute lunch break.

I went three days in a row mainly because it's cheap, 550 Yen ($6 CAD) for what you see below.

The lunch set typically contains something fried, which in my case has been two different versions of fried shrimp and then a pork. You also get a bowl of rice, miso soup, some veggies (pickled and fresh) and then a little salad.

Today, I just couldn't do it again so me and a friend I made went to the grocery store and grabbed a Bento was was even cheaper.

There are two lessons here, variety is the spice of life and two, buying lunch in Japan is cheap.

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