Aaron J

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Feb X Year 1XXX
I don’t….
I don’t really know where to start. Last night, I’ll do my best to explain, but the adrenaline is still running through me so fast. 
I have so much to say. I don’t have much time but I told them that this story needs to be captured. Someone will need to read this journey someday. It’ll help them. It’ll help you!
——————— - - -
On my way to the hall last night, to attempt sharing the news with everyone before turning into an absolute mess, I bore witness to something terrifying. Yet, it was so strangely beautiful and familiar.
The Elm is at least 4 hours away on carriage and much much more if done on foot. Even so, the sky in that direction was lit up like our traditional summer celebration. I was stunned in its beauty. The colours of lavender, seafoam, rose and cream filled the sky, swirling in a circular motion like a potion brewing. But it hit me and as quickly as I became in awe, I fell to my knees and bawled. 
It was then I knew. My sisters were certainly gone.
Miko <3
Ingrid <3
Tilde <3
I love you three. I never got to say goodbye. I never got to hug you. So many things I should have done. 
They performed a spell that you only ever learn about but not one you ever want see cast from afar, let alone cast yourself. It was the self-sacrifice burning spell, Autrui.
My sorrow turned to fear as the seance my sisters had been summoned to was only attended by them and the now certainly confirmed EVIL GOOOLMON!!!
Rage filled my body. Anger. Frustration. Self-Blame. I knew it. I knew it! Why didn’t I stop them from leaving in the first place? If only I told them how I felt. Maybe, just maybe it would have changed everything. 
Chaos, our village, was in danger. What would stop the GOOOLMON from coming here? Our protectors were taken from us. No, they were stolen. Murdered. Who did we even have left to try and fight back? Not me. No no no no. I swore off Magic a long time ago. Mostly.
I wasn’t prepared for any of this. We all weren’t. Not when all my younger siblings were just focused on making music and bringing vibes to those in the realm. 
——————— - - -
They are calling me right now. I must leave, for now.